How to Involve Horses in Your Wedding

June 10, 2021

Are cowgirl or cowboy wedding fantasies galloping around your head at night? Maybe you imagine a day of trail riding and a private elopement at the top of a mountain, or riding down the aisle horseback witha ll your friends and family around. Maybe you envision subtle nods of equestrian throughout your decor, or maybe your venue is the perfect mix of barn chic. Luckily there is a way to involve horse girl/boy energy in everyones wedding day, I’ve compiled a few of my favorite ideas for you, but feel free to comment any amazing ideas I may have missed!

1. Equestrian Proposal

Equestrian proposals are perfect for the cowboys and cowgirls and for those who have never touched a horse before. If you or your significant other is a horse lover or owner plan a proposal at their barn. If you don’t have access to horses plan a proposal with a trail ride company.

2. Equestrian Elopement

Go on a trail ride and elope at a stunning location, just you two and the horses. Nothing beats the sound of hoofbeats along a trail while watching the golden sunset sink behind the mountain.

3. Equestrian Wedding

Not into a private trail ride? How about a big party with all your friends and family! Ride in on horseback, choose a setting with horses around or simply add touches of cowgirl and cowboy to your decor.

4. Equestrian Accessories

Equestrians know how to accessories whether it be cowboy boots, a chic cowboy hat, jewelry or a saddle inspired handbag. There are is a plethora of accessories to choose between to perfect your wedding day look.

5. Equestrian Portraits

You don’t have to get photos with your horse done the same day as your wedding, WHAT?! Yes, really. You can get portraits with horses in your engagement portraits or plan a session after the wedding. A day where you don’t need to worry if your clothes get dirty or you step in poop. A session to focus on celebrating your new marriage and capturing you with your beautiful horses to commemorate the moment. The photos you choose to display in your home from your wedding don’t have to be strictly from your wedding day, photos before during and after your wedding all tell your love story and are all worthy of being artwork in your home.